Webinar Announcement
MESA-ESS Technical Work Group Kickoff Webinar
Wednesday, June 20 at 1 – 2PM Pacific
We are excited to announce that MESA is planning to restart our MESA-ESS Technical Work Group (TWG). MESA-ESS provides a standard framework for utility-scale energy storage system (ESS) data exchange.
The first meeting will be a webinar open to both members and non-members, led by MESA’s technical consultant, Frances Cleveland, and will cover what MESA has accomplished over the last year: A tremendous effort to update the DNP3 requirements to make them compliant with California’s smart inverter requirements, IEEE 1547 DER interconnection grid codes, and the IEC 61850-7-420 information standard.
We will also discuss what we plan to work on in the near future, namely to update the MESA-ESS specification, first to ensure it incorporates these new grid code requirements, and secondly to discuss additional requirements that are raised by MESA members as we continue to try to model new ESS capabilities that could be used to meet any additional technical functions as the DER market starts to mature.
The first webinar is open to both members and non-members. Subsequent workgroup meetings will be open to members only. Please reach out to brietta@mesastandards.org to join MESA today!
The technical workgroup will meet bi-weekly at first, and depending on direction from the participants, it may need to meet more frequently. We anticipate holding approximately six TWG meetings.
Background: For those who are new to the MESA efforts, MESA launched a technical working group in March 2015 to develop the MESA-ESS Specification based on work by EPRI and the DNP User Group. A draft was released for public review and testing in November 2016 and fed into a larger effort to create a DNP3 Profile for Distributed Energy Resources in partnership with EPRI and the DNP Users Group in 2017 – early 2018. That DNP3 effort is now complete with the imminent release of EPRI’s DNP3 Application Note, and will be used to update the MESA-ESS specification.